Having complete long-term time series is a key success factor for excellent empirical research. To allow researchers to carry out excellent research based on historic data, this envisioned SAFE project plans to collect historical, currently non-digitalized financial data for Germany. Making historical data digitally available is important, because such data can be the basis for a wide array of research initiatives that contribute to our understanding of economic and financial history from an academic and a policy perspective. This understanding of history could contribute to significant changes in our perception on finance today.

German Stock data before World War 1 1871 - 1914
    Main dataset
Please find here a German historical dataset for the period 1871-1914.
The 'Data documentation' button provides information on these data. The data are freely available, simply submit your request using 'Apply' button.
In addition, 12 other data sets have been collected from previous work at the Center for Financial Studies. These data were compiled by Steffen Eube and Anja Weigt and should be cited accordingly.
Data documentation
    Other derived data
Serial number Title Sources Starting date Ending date Interval Obs. (N) Gap Data docum. Variables Xls Stata
1 IPO History between 1871 and 1875 'Statistische Anlagen' der Börsen-Enquete-Kommission, BEK (1893), Aktienführer, Saling (1879a), Saling (1879b), Saling (1880), Saling (1914a) und Saling (1914b) 1871-01 1875-12 1 Month 275 No  
View Variables:
- ID
- Company Name
- Variable
- Industry code
- Industry
- Location code
- Location
- First observaion in (Year-Month)
- Sustain (Y/N)
- Sustain (1/0)
- Last observaion in (Year-Month)
2 IPO History between 1882 and 1914 'Statistische Anlagen' der Börsen-Enquete-Kommission, BEK (1893), Aktienführer, Saling (1879a), Saling (1879b), Saling (1880), Saling (1914a) und Saling (1914b) 1882-01 1914-12 1 Month 297 No  
View Variables:
- Company Name
- Industry code
- Industry
- Emission
- First listing
- Amortization Yield
- Issue price
- First price
3 Dividend of companies listed on the German stock market 'Statistische Anlagen' der Börsen-Enquete-Kommission, BEK (1893), Aktienführer, Saling (1879a), Saling (1879b), Saling (1880), Saling (1914a) und Saling (1914b) 1870-01 1875-12 1 Month 409 No  
View Variables:
- ID
- Company Name
- Industry code
- Industry
- Location
- Value of dividend
4 Capital of companies listed on the German stock market 'Statistische Anlagen' der Börsen-Enquete-Kommission, BEK (1893), Aktienführer, Saling (1879a), Saling (1879b), Saling (1880), Saling (1914a) und Saling (1914b) 1871-01 1875-12 1 Month 413 No  
View Variables:
- ID
- Company Name
- Location
- Industry
5 Number of stock exchange IDs with price quotation in the respective (base) month, which could be included in the basic PF (including double quotations) Weigt (2005), German Stock data (see 'Main dataset' above) 1871-01 1875-12 1 Month No  
View Variables:
- Braurieren
- Banken
- Chemie
- Bergbau
- Bau/Boden
- Metal
- Textil
- Maschinenbau
- Papier
- Versicherungen
- Verkehr
- Sonstige
6 Historical market index (Price) comparison with Donner (1834) index Donner (1934), Weigt (2005), German Stock data (see 'Main dataset' above) 1871-01 1875-12 1 Month 60 No  
View Variables:
- Year_Month
- Donner index 187101=100
- HIMAX (K) 187101=100
7 Historical market index (Performance) comparison with Gielen (1994) and Ronge (2002) index Gielen (1994), Ronge (2002), German Stock data (see 'Main dataset' above) 1871-01 1875-12 1 Month 60 No  
View Variables:
- Year_Month
- Monthly index_Ronge
- Monthly index_Ronge 187101=100
- HIMAX (P) 187101=100
- Gielen 186912=100
- Gielen 187101=100
8 Historical market index (Price) & Historical market index (Performance) for extended periods Weigt (2005), German Stock data (see 'Main dataset' above) 1871-01 1914-07 1 Month 523 No  
View Variables:
- Year_Month
- Kursindex (New) 187101=100
- Kursindex (New) 187512=100
- Kursindex (Old)
- Kursindex (Total)
- Performanceindex (New) 187512=100
- Performanceindex (Old) 187512=100
- Performance index (Total)
9 Historical market index (Price) total Weigt (2005), German Stock data (see 'Main dataset' above) 1871-01 1875-12 1 Month 660 No  
View Variables:
- Year
- Sector
- Year_Sector
- Month
- Price_index
10 Macro variable - Net social product Weigt (2005), German Stock data (see 'Main dataset' above) 1870 1875 1 Year 6 No  
View Variables:
- Year
- NSP 1871=100
- HIMAX(K) 1871=100
11 Historical market index (Performance) total Weigt (2005), German Stock data (see 'Main dataset' above) 1871-01 1875-12 1 Month 660 No  
View Variables:
- Year
- Sector_code
- Sector
- Year_Sector
- Month
- Price_index
12 Historical market index (Price) comparison with Spree (1977) index Spree (1977), Weigt (2005), German Stock data (see 'Main dataset' above) 1840 1880 1 Year 41 No  
View Variables:
- Year
- Originalwerte Spree 1840=100
- Growth rates in %
- Spree (1977 Data)

German Stock data in the interwar period 1919 - 1930
    Main dataset
Please find here a German historical dataset for the period 1919-1930. The 'Data documentation' button provides information on the forthcoming data.
We are currently working on making these data available.
Data documentation
Work in progress   

GOETHE project in partnership with HeBIS
The GOETHE project, in partnership with HeBIS, compiled newspapers in pdf format that provide media information on listed companies. As of today the majority of these media is digitized and is accessible as text after being treated by automated optical character recognition (OCR). These newspapers are Berliner Börsenzeitung, Schlesische Zeitung (forthcoming) and Frankfurter Zeitung und Handelsblatt.
The financial information (e.g. stock prices, financial information, and prospectus) of all these compagnies was compiled in den “Handbüchern der deutschen Aktiengesellschaften” which were published between 1896 and 1996. We have digitized about 20 years of the Handbücher from 1896 to 1919. Digitized Media (newspaper and fiancial information) is accessible here and is subject to continuous improvement in the upcoming projects.

Other links to German Historical Data
- German stocks since 1954 .
- Various data are available through GESIS .

- Some German data are available on eh.net .